Effect of Pollution on Reproductive System

effect of air pollution There is a great deal of uncertainty when it comes to reproductive toxicity from environmental exposures. A number of substances that can alter reproductive development are liberally emitted into our environment.

A substantial body of evidence suggests that in recent decades, men have grown increasingly vulnerable to reproductive health problems specifically with respect to indoor air quality. A possible decrease in sperm quality and an increase in the incidence of testicular cancer have been reported in many populations.  The metropolitan cities being the hub of IT sector has seen a drastic rise in IVF centers. People working in such sectors wherein indoor air plays a great role are likely to be more exposed with the radiations. The exposure is associated with fertility impairments in both women and men and is responsible for the complications associated with reproductive system like risk of spontaneous abortion and stillbirth, birth defects and neurological disorders.

air plooution in delhi

Since the concentrations of pollutants are usually higher in indoors than outdoors and people spend more time indoors, assessing the health risks of indoor air pollution becomes even more important. Based on the strength of the scientific knowledge and the magnitude of the effect of pollution on public health, different kinds of interventions should be taken into account.