Want to know the difference between Magneto Misting Fans & Cheap Misting Fans?

Magneto Environmental Grouppe‘s eKool series of Dry Mist Cooling Fans vs Cheap Misting Fans.
This video shows the comparison between the misting fans available in the market.
It shows how superior Magneto’s Misting technology is, as compared to the others, all in terms of beauty, noise, efficiency and service.
For more information- www.magneto.in/dry-mist/cooling
Contact us- info@magneto.in

Magneto eKool Dry Misting Fan

Magneto Environmental Grouppe introduces eKool series of Dry Mist Cooling Fans. It is based on dry mist cooling technology where very small size of mist is created. Thus cooling efficiently without wetting the use. Beauty & performance are put together in this unique product.
For more information- www.magneto.in